HOMEMADE PROTEIN BARS – IBS friendly & Sugar free, for fitness geeks

Yayyy here we are!

Who doesn’t like eating something delicious? Refined sugar-free but still super sweet? And if it also makes us feel energetic so we can perform better in our fitness routine? Without being swollen or bloated or feeling pain after eating it…?

This is why I want to share with you my super delish HOMEMADE PROTEIN BARS!

Suitable for:

1) People who suffer from IBS
3) People who avoid refined sugar
2) Fitness geeks


If you suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), you know what I am talking about. It is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS is not an illness, but a chronic condition that you’ll need to manage long term.

Regardless if you suffer from IBS, there are still some foods that might make you feel sick or you cannot tolerate 100%.
For example, mixing different types of nuts, processed sugar, gluten or lactose might affect some people suffering from IBS. Every case is different and the way to detect if you suffer from IBS is by discarding any kind of allergies or intolerances and if you still feel the symptoms, IBS might be the reason. Controlling the quantities and the types of food is essential.


These protein bars contain nutritional ingredients, organic and also IBS friendly.

There’s only 1 type of nut included in these protein bars: walnuts, pecans or peanut butter. Also, the maximum amount of cheese needed (dairy) added to make an IBS friendly snack.
The peanut butter is homemade, I roast the peanuts in the oven and blended them until turning into crunchy peanut butter.


Only the sweetest natural ingredients together make it a delicious protein bar without the cravings for another one.
Banana is one of the sweetest fruits on the planet and usually they are hard to digest if you suffer from IBS, 1/3 ripe banana is ok or 1 entire normal one. The content in each protein bar does not exceed the maximum needed to make your gut feel well.


High protein content with nutritional and organic ingredients.
Nutrients with high protein content, like nuts and cheese, are also high in fat to give that energy needed to your body. Fats are important for many bodily processes; your body actually needs fat to survive. Healthy fats are the building blocks of our brain, hormones, and nervous tissue. As crazy as it sounds, fat helps the body burn fat, in other words, you need to Eat Fat to Burn Fat.

You do not need to necessarily be a fitness geek or athlete to enjoy these protein bars. They are high-calorie dense food by themselves. Meaning, high calories content in a small amount, which will make you feel satisfied and will give you energy if pre-workout and muscle recovery if post-workout.


I would say I have created two kinds of protein bars, one as a pre-workout and another one as post-workout snack.
Why? Because it is important to eat food with a different glycemic index around your training.
Low glycemic index (GI) foods may confer an advantage when eaten before prolonged strenuous exercise by providing a slow-release source of glucose to the blood without an accompanying insulin surge, opposite – high GI foods after your workout.

I came up with delicious homemade protein bars that I started doing because, in most of the protein bars, the sugar content is high, they have so many other ingredients that you cannot even pronounce and most of them have refined sugar but because the word “Sugar” is not in the ingredients, you think they do not have sugar.


Banana, nuts (walnuts or peanut butter – homemade), goats cream cheese, oats, chia seeds, cocoa, coconut oil.
It may contain honey (if sweetener is needed) and some milk – dairy, lactose-free milk or rice milk (to make softer protein bars if needed).

These protein bars are crunchy, but if you want them smoother, add 1 tbsp of milk.

Feel free to play with the ingredients! I am you can make tasty protein bars šŸ˜› For now, I will keep the specific amount of each ingredient until getting with the perfect protein bar (I am very perfectionist and I am still waiting for something outstanding!) šŸ˜€ keep an eye to my blog!!

They are supernaturally sweet, so you will not need any additional added sugar, but you can always add syrup or honey if you wish!


For a pre-workout snack, ingredients low in glycemic index are needed, so increase the amount of oats.

If preparing as a post-workout snack, the opposite, here we can talk about increasing the number of bananas.


Dairy (non-animal-product drink is an alternative), also lactose-free milk
Nuts (walnuts and peanut butter)



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